Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Would you welcome anyone to your home?

There’s been great media interest recently about gay rights competing and conflicting with religious freedom prompted by Christians who run a bed & breakfast refusing to allow a homosexual couple to rent a double room. Personally, I think they were wrong to do that, but I do think they should be free to decide in good conscience on this issue before God without state interference. I suppose it would be more consistent of them to refuse all couples in what Christians would consider sexually immoral relationships – I wonder what the law says about that?

The Bible mentions homosexuality only a few times but none of them are positive and affirming about homosexual practice. It never says, as some do, that “being in a loving committed relationship is all that matters.” God sets boundaries for sex within a life covenant between a man and woman. I trust God that He knows best.

However, Jesus welcomes, entertains, befriends, loves and cares for people who are not living now as He wants them to. He doesn’t tell them to sort their lives out then come to him. He calls them to come as they are and He will take their burdens and give them a new direction. I don’t think he would have turned anyone away at His B&B, but what a conversation there would be over breakfast!

Nicholas Soames voting record

I'm not particularly a supporter of Mr Soames or of the Conservative party but you have to admit, this is not a bad voting record...
Click here for a summary of his voting record on Christian Institute website