Monday, 29 November 2010

John 4:1-26 True Worship

Jesus crosses boundaries of racial and religious divide and chooses to go through Samaria and talk with an immoral Samaritan woman. Jesus crosses all boundaries because He is Messiah for everyone, and He calls His people to do the same

Jesus ignores the political questions and makes an offer of living water. Only he can give new life and satisfaction through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus meets our deepest needs because he is the Messiah.

She was living with a man following 5 terminated marriages. Jesus knows all this about her, and more and yet he still makes an offer of life. Jesus knows all about you because He is the Messiah. He calls you to face up to who you are, so you can recognise who He is

Jesus avoids a diversion of talking about what was in the past the correct way and place to worship God. Now for her and for us it’s about Spirit (God’s life giving power) and Truth (personified in Jesus). We must worship God by trusting Jesus at the Messiah – God’s promised King.

He will completely satisfy you. Just ask and He will give.

To listen to sermons in the John series click here

Why Mission? Hmm Not Sure

So apparently we don't need to do global mission so God can save people. It's just so their lives can be better following God's way.

This doesn't sound right to me. Any comments?