Thursday 28 April 2011

Rob Bell: Love Wins Review

This is a very long review but worth a read or at least scanning through

God Is Still Holy and What You Learned in Sunday School Is Still True: A Review of “Love Wins”

Despicable Christians, Unspeakable Grace: A Response to Ricky Gervais

Despicable Christians, Unspeakable Grace: A Response to Ricky Gervais

Friday 22 April 2011

Did Music Evolve?

Musicophilia, Tales of Music and the Brain

A really interesting review of a book about music from a Christian website

John 10:22-42 Get rid of the blasphemer

Some people want to point the finger at Jesus, or to get rid of Him from their lives.

But thankfully, some listen and are completely safe in God's hands

Graham Nicholls preaching from John 10v22 to 42 on Sunday morning 17th April 2011

Isaiah 65:1-16 - The God Who is there

Click here to listen to Mark Ventham Preaching from Isaiah 65:1 to 16 on Sunday evening 17th April 2011

Monday 11 April 2011

Isaiah 63:7 to 64:12 God's Praying People

Isaiah sees a world of darkness but the full light of God's promises. When he puts these together it leads him to earnest heartfelt humble realistic faithful praying.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


A vision given to Isaiah of a victorious leader returning from battle in royal splendour. 

From this text we learn that God wins a great victory in Jesus: He is the triumphant king returning from victory in battle. This battle was won at personal cost. God gets involved personally stained as He judges sin. It's a picture of the suffering Christ. Even more, this victorious battle is won alone. This has to be so. God has to work. It also describes the isolation of Jesus Christ, supremely at the Cross.

In this victory, all our enemies will be defeated. The wrath of God falls on all who oppose him. This punishment falls either on Christ at the Cross, or at the end of all things in the final judgement.